This work is from a collection of projects and briefs that have resulted in physical print. In the form of zines and editorials.
Ulysses deconstructs James Joyce’s work and reimagines it for a new audience. I created a series of miniature bronze dolls to play on collectible consumer culture. The faces of the dolls are created from breaking down the syllables within the given line. Alongside the editorial shown, I created branding, packing and explored folly sounds. The editorial was printed and attached to a card that contained a recording device which is light sensitive. When the pages are opened, the sound that plays is a recreation of the original syllables using folly sound techniques.
Manchester Through Barthes 90 explores the theory of semiotics through my observational studies of off licenses.
The final outcome took the form of a zine. There are videos on my instagram showing how I manipulated the paper to create a more tactile experience for the viewer.